Life Meanderings and my Creative Path

My artistic fascination comes from a deep desire to interpret life as I experience it through nature, and the interplay of texture and form.   I began by collecting discarded bits during my adventures, whether in nature or on the streets, and assembling these treasures into mixed media and collage books. 

My early travels through SE Asia and Morocco fueled my creativity, from the temples of India, ruins and pyramids of Egypt, and the textiles of Morocco all making a profound impression on me. These life experiences lead me to study many different forms of art while forging a career as a Set Decorator in Hollywood, California.  Set Decorating has blossomed into an exciting career spanning over 20 years now. 

Some years ago I dove fully into the clay and the excitement this medium brought me was life changing and has been a beautiful journey so far.

Visionary Future with Sculptural Elements

“Claythedral” came to life in 2020 as an imaginative addition to the creative compound I’ve been building with my beloved partner Matt Mccarthy in the desert near Joshua Tree, California since 2011.

The name “Claythedral” was Matt’s suggestion.  The arcing and steel quonset hut structure exudes a feeling of grandeur, and the steel portal window at the top resembles the architectural details found in many cathedrals.

“Claythedral” a space where my creativity flows and those ideas are formed in clay  for ceremonial, decorative and wall adornment.

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